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Testing self compacting concrete: Slump-flow test

The Slump-flow test to BS EN 12350-8 is used to assess flowability and flow rate. It is similar to BS EN 12350-2 Slump test.

· Place cone on steel plate at 210mm diameter
· Pour into slump cone (no compaction)
· Strike surplus material and lift within 30 sec
· Vertical motion taking between 1-3 sec
· Measure time from start of lift to time when
first touches 500mm diameter mark (t500 time)
. Measure largest diameter in two directions at 90°
to nearest 10mm
· Take average to obtain Slump Flow (SF) to nearest
· If difference >50mm repeat test
· If repeat >50mm then not suitable flowability for
Slump Flow test
· Check for signs of segregation eg ring of cement
paste/mortar or segregated coarse aggregate
in centre

Slump flow test
Acknowledgement: Concrete Society

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Concrete on site 9: Sampling and testing fresh concrete

Slump, Flow table and Slump-flow tests; assessment checklist and reporting