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EN 1504: Parts 4 to 6

BS EN 1504, Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures: Definitions, requirements, quality control and evaluation of conformity, is divided into 10 parts.

BS EN 1504 Part 4  Structural bonding
The standard specifies requirements for the identification, performance (incl. durability) and safety of structural bonding products and systems used for the structural bonding of strengthening materials to an existing concrete structure, including:
- bonding of external plates of steel or other suitable materials (e.g. fibre reinforced composites) to a concrete surface for strengthening purposes, including the laminating of plates in such applications.
- bonding of hardened concrete to hardened concrete, typically associated with the use of precast units in repair and strengthening.
- casting of fresh concrete to hardened concrete using an adhesive bonded joint where it forms a part of the structure and is required to act compositely.

BS EN 1504 Part 5 Concrete injection
Specifies requirements and conformity criteria for identification, performance (including durability aspects) and safety of injection products for:
- force transmitting of cracks, voids and interstices in concrete (FTFC)
- ductile filling of cracks, voids and interstices in concrete (DFC)
- swelling fitted filling of cracks, voids and interstices in concrete (SFFC)

BS EN 1504 Part 6: Grouting to anchor reinforcement or to fill external voids
Specifies requirements for the identification, performance (including durability) and safety of products for the anchoring of reinforcing steel as part of the repair and protection of concrete structures.

Acknowledgement: The Concrete Society

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TR69 Repair of concrete structures with reference to BS en 1504