Concrete @ your Fingertips

Typical units for concrete properties

The following table gives the preferred units for various properties of concrete.

Property                             Units
Chloride ion diffusion............ m2/s
Compressive strength............MPa (or N/mm2)
Gas diffusion....................... m2/s
Grade or Class**..................MPa (or N/mm2)
Half-cell potential..................mV
Modulus of elasticity..............GPa (or kN/mm2)
Tensile strength....................MPa (or N/mm2)
Thermal conductivity..............W/m°C or W/mK
Thermal expansion.................10-6/°C
U value.................................W/m2°C or W/m2K
Water content.......................l/m3
Water permeability ................m/s

** Denotes compressive strength based on cylinders/cubes, e.g. Class 25/30 has a characteristic cylinder strength of 25 MPa (N/mm2) and a characteristic cube strength of 30 MPa (N/mm2)

Acknowledgement: The Concrete Society