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Autographic batch records

Manual batching of concrete is fast becoming a thing of the past with computer based batching and autographic recording of the batch quantities being the norm.

Batch records are intended for producers of the concrete as part of the production control and monitoring process. Batch records are not intended for the user and as they contain commercially sensitive material. Nevertheless where there is a dispute over the conformity of the concrete supplied (e.g. conformity to the specified maximum water/cement ratio) or a measure, batch records may be provided to resolve the dispute.

Unfortunately in practice, some useful information is often missing. For example it is not stated if the batch quantities of the aggregates are the SSD or oven-dry masses or what were the measured moisture contents. While the calculated w/c ratio is usually given, insufficient information is provided to be able to check this value.

Note: w/c (water/cement) ratio can also be written as w/b (water/binder) ratio, the binder being the sum of the various cementitious components.

Acknowledgement: The Concrete Society

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Control and conformity of water to binder ratio in fresh concrete