2019 Highly Commended - Hawley Wharf, London

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Cold store floors

Early age thermal shrinkage of cold store floors can be reduced by following a programme of cooling the enclosed environment to the operating temperature. The Controlled Environment Building Association (CEBA) have several publications of which the Second Edition (2007) of the IACSC (now CEBA) Guide ‘Guidelines for the Design, Construction, Specification and Fire Management of Insulated Envelopes for Temperature Controlled Environments’ suggests the following programme:

Activity Day Chamber Temperature
Concrete laid 1 External ambient

Concrete curing

Concrete curing complete 14*
Refrigeration plant operating 15 16oC (External ambient)

16 5oC

17 1oC

18 1oC

19 1oC

20 -2oC

21 -4oC

22 -8oC

23 -12oC

24 -18oC

25 -23oC

26 -29oC

*Fourteen days is a minimum and may have to be extended indefinitely in order to achieve the required in-situ strength of the concrete under external ambient temperature as determined from test cubes stored on the surface of the slab.

Acknowledgement: Concrete Society


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