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For the direct measurement of the permeability of concrete by the flow method, a test cell is required that is similar, in principle, to the modified triaxial cells used in standard soil and rock mechanics tests. However, the permeability of concrete is much lower than that of typical soils and rock and the sample and test cell dimensions have to be, in general, quite different in order to obtain practically measurable flow rates.
Tests of permeability at the higher pressures are most commonly made on concrete cylinders in apparatus which permit water under pressure to be fed to the top side of the specimen, and water percolating through to be collected and measured from the underside. Alternatively the rate of inflow of water may be measured.
Currently, there is no British Standard on the testing of concrete for permeability by the pressure–induced flow method. There is however a proposed test arrangement and procedure for draft International Standard ISO/DIS 7032.
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