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European guidelines for self-compacting concrete were published by EFNARC (European Federation of Producers and Applicators of Specialist Products or Structures) in 2002 and 2005 and are available from EFNARC. The publication covers the following topics:
Engineering properties
Specifying self-compacting concrete
Constituent materials
Mix composition
Site requirements
Placing and finishing
Appearance and surface finish
Since the EFNARC document was originally published, Standards for testing fresh SCC were published in August 2010. These are covered under BS EN 12350 Testing Fresh Concrete parts 8 to 12. Similarly, concrete production and testing were covered in BS EN 206-9 Concrete: Additional rules for self-compacting concrete (April 2010). However note that BS EN 206-1 and BS EN 206-9 (2010) were revised and rationalised as a single Standard BS EN 206 (2013).
BS 8500 was revised and republished in 2015 with further amendments up to the current 2023 version.
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