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Eurocode 2 (BS EN 1992-1-1) sets out general rules for the design of concrete structures and rules for the design of buildings. It necessarily covers a wide spectrum of structures and, therefore, may be seen as unduly complex for routine design work. The aim of the MPA Concrete Centre publication Concise Eurocode 2 is to distill from the relevant parts of BS EN 1992 and the UK National Annexes material that will be commonly used in the design of normal building structures. It is limited to concrete strength classes up to and including C50/60 and does not cover prestressed or lightweight concrete.
Even with these restrictions, it is believed that the vast majority of day-to-day designs will fall within its scope. Generally the flow of information is presented in the same order as in Eurocode 2, with reference to the appropriate clauses.
An additional chapter is included, which contains text, tables and figures that have been derived from Eurocode 2; these are provided as an aid to designers in the UK, using the nationally determined parameters (NDPs) for the UK.
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