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Concrete gutters (leaking)

My concrete roof gutters leak. Can they be repaired?


These components, known as ‘Finlock’ gutters, have a dual function of closing the cavity and providing a gutter profile. They comprise units that vary in length between 200 and 600 mm and either the joints have been sealed or the gutters are lined. They are commonly found in housing built between 1950 and 1970. In some installations the units are formed into a lintel over openings by filling the lintel trough with concrete.

Several proprietary lining systems are available using a sheet material bonded to the gutter profile. Another approach is to drop in a site rolled aluminium gutter. For more information, see BRE Good Repair Guide 9 - Repairing and replacing rainwater goods.

Acknowledgement: The Concrete Society

Other references:GRG9 Repairing and replacing rainwater goods


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