2019 Highly Commended - Hawley Wharf, London

Concrete @ your Fingertips

Full list of Nuggets

Organisations etc D to H

DBERR.....Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
DCLG.......Department for Communities and Local Government
DCSF......Department for Children, Schools and Families
DEFRA....Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DFT.........Department of Transport
DFES.......Department of Education and Skills (now DCSF)
DIUS......Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills
DTI.........Department of Trade and Industry (replaced by DBERR and DIUS)
ECSN......European Concrete Societies Network
EFNARC...European Federation of Producers and Applicators of Specialist Products for Structures
EOTA.....European Organisation for Technical Approvals
ERMCO...European Ready Mixed Concrete Organisation
ETB.......Engineering and Technology Board
FHWA....Federal Highways Administration (USA)
GRCA.....Glassfibre Reinforced Concrete Association
HA........ Highways Agency, (Highways England, National Highways)
HE....... Highways England
HAPAS... Highway Authorities Product Approval Scheme

Acknowledgement: The Concrete Society


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